

Rollenspel Klimaatverandering in de Waddenzee

Comprehensive role play activity about trilateral Wadden Sea politics and management. The participants slip into the roles of environmental ministers and representatives of stakeholder groups.


Rollespil Klimaforandring i Vadehavet

Comprehensive role play activity about trilateral Wadden Sea politics and management. The participants slip into the roles of environmental ministers and representatives of stakeholder groups.


Role Play Climate Change in the Wadden Sea

Comprehensive role play activity about trilateral Wadden Sea politics and management. The participants slip into the roles of environmental ministers and representatives of stakeholder groups.


Rollenspiel Klimawandel im Wattenmeer

Rollenspiel zur trilateralen Wattenmeerpolitik. Die Teilnehmer schlüpfen in die Rolle von Umweltministern und Vertretern von Stakeholder-Gruppen.


Waddenzee Trekvogel Spel

A big floor game about the Wadden Sea’s international importance for migratory birds.

Mit Liv Som Traekfugl

A big floor game about the Wadden Sea’s international importance for migratory birds.

Wader Migration Game

A big floor game about the Wadden Sea’s international importance for migratory birds.


Ein Bodenspiel über die internationale Bedeutung des Wattenmeeres für Zugvögel.

Wattenmeer Puzzle

Das Puzzle bietet einen Überblick und Orientierung über das internationale Wattenmeer. Tranzparente Legendenkarten fügen die Namen von Regionen, Inseln, Orten und Arten hinzu.

Wadden Sea Puzzle

The big jigsaw puzzle provides an overview of and orientation within the international Wadden Sea. Transparent legend cards add the names of regions, islands, places and types of landscapes.