Education for sustainable development should enable people to deal with questions of ecology and development and to take the chance of an active participation. Its goal is to raise awareness for and identification with the environment and therefore it is not only transfer of knowledge but also action-orientated and political learning. The IWSS network partners render an important contribution to the implementation of ESD: They communicate knowledge about the Wadden Sea as a common natural and cultural heritage, its uniqueness as habitat for plants and animals and its importance for us humans. With the gained knowledge the understanding for the diverse needs will grow, as well as the ability to discuss possibilities of conflict management that will permit sustainable development.
More Information and regional ESD initiatives
UNESCO Education for Sustainable Develpment Goals
Leitfaden "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) in der Nationalpark-Region"
Certified Education Partner
During the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Devlopment 2005-2014 the IWSS has twice been recognized as official project of the decade.
Within the North German initiative "Norddeutsch und Nachhaltig - Mit Bildung Zukunft sichern" the IWSS has been certified as "Bildungspartner für Nachhaltigkeit" for 15 years, first in 2008 and again in 2012, 2018, and 2023.