

Eel Migration Game

A big floor game about fish migration between marine spawning grounds and freshwater habitats. The players slip into the role of an eel (an endangered species) and follow the route between the Sargasso Sea and the river Elbe.

Poster "Arrival - Departure Wadden Sea"

Wadden Sea National Park and World Heritage Site:
The “station” of waterbirds along the East Atlantic Flyway

Format: 84.1 x 59.4 (DinA1)

Poster "Aankomst - Vertrek Waddenzee"

Werelderfgoed Waddenzee: het ’Centraal Station‘ voor
kustvogels op de Oost-Atlantische trekroute

Format: 84,1 x 59,4 (DinA1)

Poster "Ankomst - Afgang Vadehavet"

Nationalpark og Verdensarv Vadehavet: „Banegården“ for
de trækkende vandfugle på Den Østatlantiske Trækrute

Format: 59,4 x 84,1 cm (DinA1)

Vadehavsundervisning - Et hurtigt overblik

Wattenmeer-Bildung auf einen Blick

Waddenzee Educatie in een Oogopslag

Wadden Sea Education at a Glance

World Heritage Education Strategy Samenvatting

World Heritage Education Strategy Resumé